Depression or spiritual awakening?


Often, there comes a point when you begin questioning whether you’re experiencing depression. You might even start to assume that losing interest in things around you is a sign of depression. If you notice persistent symptoms of depression and it worries you or your loved ones, it’s important to seek medical assistance or consult with a professional for help.

However, there might be another explanation for your loss of interest. Consider this alternative: are you also pondering questions such as “Who am I?”, “What is my purpose?”, or “Why am I behaving this way?” If these questions are popping up in your mind, then rest assured, it’s not necessarily depression. You might be on a journey of spiritual awakening. You’re becoming a seeker of knowledge!

What is Awakening?

Awakening is like waking up from a dream and realizing there’s more to life than what we’ve been living. It involves becoming mindful of our thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and understanding their origins. However, awakening isn’t a simple process; it requires shedding old beliefs and habits that hinder our authentic selves. It’s like gradually uncovering layers to reveal our deepest essence. Through awakening, our perspective broadens, allowing us to perceive life in a fresh light, beyond our usual perceptions.

Awakening can happen in many different ways and at different speeds for each person. It might happen suddenly, like a big light bulb turning on, or it might happen slowly, like a sunrise. Things like meditation, thinking deeply, exposure to the outside world, going through big life changes, or talking with spiritual guides can all kickstart this awakening process.

My experience

I have participated in different multicultural discussion groups in Belgium. This is another way how we practice the Dutch language in Belgium. People from diverse backgrounds have asked me if I am spiritual. So, my journey started with someone else asking me the question. The question was also followed with, do you practise Yoga or are you a Hindu? So had to understand the difference.

Is spirituality religious?

Communities form around shared beliefs, often creating rules, rituals, and practices to uphold these belief systems. This collective framework gives rise to religion. However, religion can sometimes promote a limited perspective, excluding those with differing beliefs and leading to fear and judgment.

Spirituality is beyond religion. A spiritual person is deeply connected to the present moment and listens to inner guidance as it emerges. Living a spiritual life means being fully present in the moment, and living devoid of fear. In spirituality, you’re inclined to welcome change and face challenges directly.